Cathy's Blog Archive

Category: Ghostwriter in the Sky

Yes, I Do Have a Head

Do you mind a little self-promotion on a lazy Friday of Labor Day Weekend? This is an interview of me in the August issue of WestView News, the local paper I write for. It’s appropriate to post it because I’ honor the weekend (and myself) by not laboring, and that includes freelance writers who labor at home.   If clicking on “continue reading” link below doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do,  Google WestView, August Issue, and click on “West Village Original.” And now I must . . .  do nothing. . . . .

August 31, 2018

West Village Original: Catherine Revland

Room 315: The Book Lover’s Sistine Chapel

In the years before I started considering myself a writer I spent a lot of time in libraries, looking for I knew not what. The massive main branch of the Brooklyn Public Library, only a few blocks from home, was majestic in an Egyptian-temple kind of way, but the decor

Tales of Abbie Hoffman: Episode 2

First, a correction: My only copy of Soon to Be a Major Motion Picture disappeared long ago, so I had to rely on what turned out to be my faulty memory about Abbie’s talk show appearance in the February blog. Fortunately, I went to my ghostwriting archives before writing this installment.

Tales of Abbie Hoffman

For many years I made a fairly decent living as a ghostwriter of books because it was steady work in the Age of Celebrity we live in, during which name recognition, not quality of writing, is paramount. I learned to cope, not only with the need to keep my contributions hush-hush but also with the